2024 Outstanding Calgary Artist Award
I had an incredible October evening at the Jack Singer Concert Hall. Calgary honoured me with the 2024 Outstanding Calgary Artist Award. It was memorable!!! Thank you to Louis and Doug Mitchell, the Banff Center for the Arts, CADA and the City of Calgary and our creative arts community for awarding me this hugely meaningful honour. And thank you to the jury for having recognized my work of letters among the many outstanding artists in all disciplines in our city. I am humbled and accept this award on behalf of all of those who are continuously making contributions to the quality of life of our citizens, and making their mark…
Free the Caged Melros: A Review of trust the bluer skies in Prism International – by Irene Marques
Check out this insightful and in-depth review of Trust the Bluer Skies featured in Prism International Magazine out of UBC and Vancouver. Available to be read on their website. When was the last time you read a thoughtful review that was 1600 words long? My gratitude to Toronto scholar, Irene Marques, who for years has been a phenomenal supporter of my writing and of my books. Bem hajas. Excerpt of review : “Portuguese cultural traditions of bullfighting and other forms of animal cruelty are reprimanded. The idea that such traditions should be defended because they are part of national identity is refuted…” Full review in the link below.…/free-the-caged-melros-a… August…
Teaching / Mentoring Authors at Alexandra Writers’ Centre
I’ll be one of the Alexandra Writers’ Centre mentors for their 2025 Author Development Program (from January to June 2025). If you are working on a manuscript of Fiction (Flash, Short-stories or a Novel), Creative Non-Fiction (including Memoir) or Poetry, I would be happy to work with you under the auspices of this program. I am published in all those genres. Check the detail here : The AWC has subsidies and flexible payment options available if needed.
Trust the Bluer Skies Promo Video
Thank you to reader and friend Camilo Florez who created and gifted me with this Book Promo video as a way to bring more awareness to my new book. Please pass it around if you enjoyed reading Trust the Bluer Skies (and your armchair journey to Portugal). And if you are a TikToker feel free to post it there too. Obrigado.
paulo da costa interviewed by the Calgary Herald
Check out today’s Calgary Herald and their book section. They feature an article and interview about my fatherhood memoir. Thank you Eric Volmers for being interested in Trust the Bluer Skies and for being such a great supporter of local creatives in our city. Obrigado.
CBC Books recommends Trust the Bluer Skies for Father’s Day
Being a father can be both a challenging and rewarding part of life, shaped by their own experiences and parents. This Father’s Day (June 16 2024), check out 20 Canadian books of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and more that share the stories of fathers and father-like figures. Head to for more.
CBC Radio’s Day Break Interviews paulo on Father’s Day This coming Father’s Day – Sunday June 16th 2024 at 8 AM – listen to Paul Karchut on CBC Day Break interviewing me about my new book: Trust the Bluer Skies – Meditations on Fatherhood. Or tune into the podcast of this radio show at your leisure. The podcast will go up that Sunday afternoon and stay up for a few weeks. Enjoy!
2024 James H. Gray Awards for Short Nonfiction
A beautiful evening celebrating the incredible writing talent in the province of Alberta. Congratulations to all finalists, and a shout out to Patti Edgar and Thomas Wharton in my own non-fiction / essay category. 2024 James H. Gray Award for Short Nonfiction Jury Remarks: paulo da costa’s “The Stones That Anchor Us” is a touching homecoming tale that is original in structure and rich in description. Unconventionally, it takes the form of a kind of letter to the writer’s son and daughter (addressed as “you”), reminding them of their past visits, of local customs and time-honoured traditions. “The Stones That Anchor Us” is a heartwarming homage to tradition, to the…
Short-listed for the 2024 WGA James H. Gray Award
Congratulations to the finalists and to everyone who had works submitted to the 2024 Alberta Literary Awards. My essay, The Stones that Anchor Us, and published in 2023 by Queen’s Quarterly has been short-listed for: James H. Gray Awards for Short Nonfiction paulo da costa – The Stones that Anchor Us (Queens Quarterly) Patti Edgar – Ascending in a Hotel Conference Room (The Dalhousie Review) Thomas Wharton – Cat Fox Neutrino (Hazlitt) This essay is included in my new book, Trust the Bluer Skies. Thank you to the Writers’ Guild of Alberta for hosting these awards, than you to the many funders that ensure the continuity of these prizes. @writersguildab…
Review of Bluer Skies by Lindsay Wincherauk
audio and written review – click to view