Interview & Story in On Spec Magazine
Interview and a new short-story by paulo da costa in issue n.103 of on spec – the canadian magazine of speculative fiction.
New essay in Queen’s Quarterly The Oak Tree Fearless in your short, four-year-old legs, your footsteps clap against asphalt and your knees nearly buckle racing down the forty-degree lane. I too ran down this steep hill, freed from the school day and sterile walls, and later, I too climbed even higher, farther up the now vanished woods to the high school on the crest of the hill. That was the first high school to be built higher than any church in the hills, signalling a change in the town and in the future of our lives. I brought you from urban Canada to the village of my childhood to experience a taste of…
A Reader’s Response to Beyond Bullfights and Ice Hockey
Beyond Bullfights and Ice Hockey: A Reader’s Response By Emanuel Melo I overheard a conversation between a father, his wife and daughter while at lunch at Le Petit Château in Quebec City the other day. “What are you planning to do this afternoon?” he asked. “We’re going to the Museum of Civilization.” “Great. That’ll give me time to watch the game and then we’ll meet up after.” I could say that I found it shocking that someone would take the time to come all the way to Quebec City to stay cooped up in a hotel room to watch a game while ignoring the charm of the city, but…
Writers of the Portuguese Diaspora – Anthology
Writers of the Portuguese Diaspora in the United States and Canada: An Anthology Editors Luis Gonçalves and Carlo Matos, Preface by George Monteiro This anthology brings together fiction, poetry, recipes, and memoirs by some of the best Portuguese-Canadian and Portuguese-American writers to narrate the Portuguese Diasporic experience in North America. These works focus on lived experiences, shared spaces and the ethnic identity through which this distinctive culture is lived in the United States of America and Canada, both of which have long been home to significant and vibrant Portuguese communities that arrived roughly in the same waves of migration. In this book, you will find a range of texts…
New short-story in Stand Magazine
STAND magazine is a quarterly print magazine for men who give a damn about being better men, better husbands, better fathers, better partners, better brothers, better friends, better sons, better neighbors, better citizens. STAND magazine, issue two, highlights several individuals and companies attempting to do just that, including Christian Birky, the founder of Detroit-based fashion label Lazlo, and William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of Cradle to Cradle. The issue includes a short story by paulo da costa. Swedish writer Ulf Peter Hallberg remembers his father and we then look at the very serious issue of human trafficking with photojournalist Tim Matsui. Writer Steve Almond tells us why he turned against football…
New poem in Contemporary Verse 2
Contemporary Verse 2 volume 38.3 “The Open Issue” marks the beginning of CV2‘s fifth decade and features the winners of the Young Buck Poetry Prize and 2-Day Poem Contest. The issue includes new poetry from Sarah Klassen, John Wall Barger, Linda Frank, paulo da costa and Ted Landrum as well as several book reviews. New poems by: Kayla Krut Stephen Matthew Brown Jesse Matas Penn Kemp Kelly Stewart John Wall Barger Paula Jane Remlinger Wanda Campbell Glen Sorestad Sarah Klassen paulo da costa Ted Landrum Shauntay Grant Patricia Young Linda Fran Ruth Daniell Michelle Brown Rebecca Salazar Carter Vance Claire Kelly Steven Slowka Leslie Casey Michael Fraser Medrie Purdham Cana…
The Guest who refuses to be polite – impressions by Emanuel Melo
I’m hanging out with paulo da costa these days. On the crowded subway ride to work in the morning and again in the evening on the way home I listen to him; those around me don’t. But I prefer listening to him when I get inside my solitude, sitting on my sofa, in the quiet of my library, where I can be attentive without the pull of people’s chatter. Even at four in the morning, when I cannot sleep, he is still talking. Non-stop. He is the guest who refuses to go home at a decent hour and so, to be polite, I let him speak his words. He gives…
New book: Beyond Bullfights and Ice Hockey
Beyond Bullfights and Ice Hockey Essays on Identity, Language and Writing Culture A book of twelve essays, musings, thoughts, inner conversations, arguments and rambles written over the course of two decades. For those who believe the book is obsolete and has been overtaken by other cultural platforms and technologies in our increasingly fast-moving times, I remind myself that the book is a marker of sanity for the human spirit. It will always be a measure of how far we humans have fallen off our cultural and spiritual balance. The book is an intimate match to the rhythm of our consciousness, our state of being present in the world, our hunger…
New poem in CV2
CV2 – Vol 39 – Issue 4 This issue brings you a conversation with one of Canada’s most innovative, not to mention outspoken, poets, George Murray about writing, aging and Diversion, George’s most recent collection, as well as his stint as St. John’s Poet Laureate. And because this is the Open Issue there is, of course, lots of poetry of all shapes, sizes and inclinations. Not only will you find a selection of envelope-pushing new work by featured poet George Murray, but also a whole range of new writing from the poetic likes of Christophe Schinckus, Jessica Bebenek, Müesser Yeniay, paulo da costa and David Cavanagh, to mention a…
The Cartography of Being – by Nuno Judice – Reviewed in The Malahat Review
Nuno Júdice, The Cartography of Being, translated by Paulo da Costa (Victoria: Livros Pé D’Orelha, 2012). Paperbound, 126 pp., $17.95. Poetry Review by David Swartz Nuno Júdice’s poetry is dense, rich, lyrical and, above all, philosophical. It expresses a philosophy that equates poetry with every aspect of life, and a portrait of the poet in the act of self-creation through the making of poetry. In The Cartography of Being, Paulo da Costa’s selection and translation of fifty-one of Júdice’s poems written between 1967 and 2005, presented side by side with the Portuguese, captures the flow, rhythm, cadence, and overall meaning of the poet’s original creations. Júdice is…