Enclosures, Short-Listed for the 2023 Alberta Literary Awards
My creative non-fiction essay, Enclosures, published by Reckoning, has been short-listed for the James H. Gray Award for Short Nonfiction. Congratulations to the other two finalists as well. Marcello Di Cintio with “The Cowboy Exclaims” (Canadian Geographic) and Kyra Lark Koustrup with — “You and the Grass” (Freefall).
If you are in Calgary please come and celebrate with us literary excellence and the Alberta’s writing community. Awards will be presented in nine categories that include fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, memoir, and children’s literature. Alberta Literary Awards Gala 2023 (in-person, Calgary): Saturday, June 3, 6:00 PM to 10:00PM. Location: Fort Calgary (750 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB). Tickets for the gala are $50 each and are available through the Origins conference registration form or at alberta-literary-awards-gala-2023.