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Free the Caged Melros: A Review of trust the bluer skies in Prism International – by Irene Marques

Check out this insightful and in-depth review of Trust the Bluer Skies featured in Prism International Magazine out of UBC and Vancouver. Available to be read on their website. When was the last time you read a thoughtful review that was 1600 words long? My gratitude to Toronto scholar, Irene Marques, who for years has been a phenomenal supporter of my writing and of my books. Bem hajas.

Excerpt of review :

“Portuguese cultural traditions of bullfighting and other forms of animal cruelty are reprimanded. The idea that such traditions should be defended because they are part of national identity is refuted…”

Full review in the link below.…/free-the-caged-melros-a…

August 29, 2024

PRISM Online, Prose, Reviews

#memoir#trustthebluerskies#paulodacosta#Irenemarques, PRISM international, Review

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