Short-listed for the 2024 WGA James H. Gray Award

Congratulations to the finalists and to everyone who had works submitted to the 2024 Alberta Literary Awards. My essay, The Stones that Anchor Us, and published in 2023 by Queen’s Quarterly has been short-listed for:
James H. Gray Awards for Short Nonfiction
paulo da costa – The Stones that Anchor Us (Queens Quarterly)
Patti Edgar – Ascending in a Hotel Conference Room (The Dalhousie Review)
Thomas Wharton – Cat Fox Neutrino (Hazlitt)
This essay is included in my new book, Trust the Bluer Skies.
Thank you to the Writers’ Guild of Alberta for hosting these awards, than you to the many funders that ensure the continuity of these prizes. @writersguildab
The entire list can be seen at…/