• Beyond Bullfights & Ice Hockey,  News,  Reviews - B&I

    The Guest who refuses to be polite – impressions by Emanuel Melo

    I’m hanging out with paulo da costa these days. On the crowded subway ride to work in the morning and again in the evening on the way home I listen to him; those around me don’t. But I prefer listening to him when I get inside my solitude, sitting on my sofa, in the quiet of my library, where I can be attentive without the pull of people’s chatter. Even at four in the morning, when I cannot sleep, he is still talking. Non-stop. He is the guest who refuses to go home at a decent hour and so, to be polite, I let him speak his words. He gives…

  • Ensaio

    Para lá das Touradas e Hóquei no Gelo

    Para lá das Touradas e Hóquei no Gelo – Uma Arquitetura da Identidade Multicultural – Homens que são como lugares mal situados Homens que são como casas saqueadas […] Homens encarcerados abrindo-se com facas Homens que são como danos irreparáveis Homens que são sobreviventes vivos Homens que são como sítios desviados Do lugar Daniel Faria As minhas primeiras memórias, os meus primeiros aromas e sons são de Angola. Um mundo colorido pela sua geografia de calor e perfumado pelas suas culturas, espiritualidades e musicalidades. A minha experiência do continente Africano foi efémera, uma vez que um punhado de anos mais tarde, os meus pais regressaram à sua terra natal em…

  • Blog,  Sudden Fiction,  Sudden Fictions - M&T

    Pleasant Troubles

    A sudden, involuntary flaring of his tongue, a hideous contortion of his face; and apart from this peculiar affliction, Bonifácio Careta remained an ordinary child. The villagers believed everyone entered life with unique, God-given graces—some born to nose-picking, others to continuous spitting, others to limping. They never spent a second thought on Bonifácio. Bonifácio Careta’s life would have proceeded without remarkable attention if misfortune had not brought his peculiar condition to public notice. Bonifácio’s fortunes changed irrevocably on the occasion of the long-awaited Papal tour of the country with the Pontiff’s brief, unscheduled bathroom stop in Bonifácio’s forgotten village. While the Pontiff bestowed upon the gathering crowd his holy blessing,…

  • Blog,  Poetry

    Atlantis – sang by Nancy Dutra

    Talented Canadian singer Nancy Dutra has put to music one of my English poems from The Book of Water. Nancy has a distinctive and powerful voice that will delight any listener. Take a peek at this music video recorded under a Dragon Tree in Pico, Azores during the 2013 AzoresFringe Festival. And stay tuned for future collaborations between myself and Nancy. A talentosa cantora canadiana Nancy Dutra musicou e interpretou um dos meus poemas em língua inglesa e do meu manuscrito: The Book of Water. A Nancy tem uma voz marcante e poderosa que irá encantar qualquer ouvinte. Aproveitem para dar uma olhada neste vídeo  gravado sob uma árvore Dragão…

  • A Verde e Púrpura - Contos,  Blog,  Contos

    A Verde e Púrpura Pele do Mundo (conto)

    Cara A,                                                           Monte das Lameiras, pátio três semanas   A manhã desperta e suspira nos pulmões dos pássaros. Inauguro o dia nos degraus da entrada, roupão de banho vestido e a fazer bolas de sabão. A música dos pássaros começa a derreter o ténue véu de geada que encobre o chão. Ligaste-me a noite passada para dizer que não me irias esperar ao aeroporto Pearson. Vais estar em Victoria a visitar a tua tia.   Neste canto da Europa o sol brilha por entre o azul de Inverno. Brilham as laranjas nas árvores e os kivis enrugam-se nas ramadas. Toda esta fruta não me seduz a ficar. O melro foi…

  • Blog,  Reviews,  Reviews - S&L

    New World Odour

    Calgary writer paulo da costa’s short story collection The Scent of a Lie is the most uniformly fresh, sprightly, meaty work of Canadian fiction I’ve read in a long time. It came as a shock to me that the book had difficulty getting published. Now accumulating the attention it deserves, Da Costa’s book won the Commonwealth Prize for Best First Book (Canada and Caribbean Region)—as did similarly groundbreaking works such as Icefields by Thomas Wharton and Chorus of Mushrooms by Hiromi Goto—and just this week it was awarded the City of Calgary W. O. Mitchell Book Prize. The linked collection of stories centres on the inhabitants of two small communities…