O Perfume da Mentira em destaque nos Olhos nos Livros Blog
Eis que depois de uma pausa de dois meses para que pudessem ler os livros recomendados, aqui estamos com a edição do outono de 2022, que terá um livro por semana até meados de dezembro. Esta a recomendação de Manuela Marujo. Cada semana teremos uma diferente, com José Luís da Silva, João Martins, Manuela Marujo e Diniz Borges. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpermalink.php%3Fstory_fbid%3Dpfbid0Gw9ZbWrMYKP4BntaZ2R364Z6JjMDTKHZjvEPLiLdaoJjA7oaobeeQ9U9mdMpCmeml%26id%3D100075535222612&show_text=true&width=500
Poetic & Lyrical – impressions by Irene Marques
Irene Marques on Beyond Bullfights & Ice Hockey (essays) Paulo da Costa has a poetic and lyrical voice that is beautiful. It is an appeasing murmur conducive to meditation putting into question the acceptance of the mundane or the fashions of the moment which are often guided by economic pressures that erase us all under a blanket of sameness. It is a voice that wants the power of the word to remain pure so that it can reach us at a deep level and have an impact that goes well beyond the facades of easy, cheap rhetoric. It is a writing that asks you to slow down, to pause, in order…
Interview in Portuguese-American Review
original interview in Portuguese-American Review Portuguese-American Review – Congratulations on publishing “Beyond Bullfights and Ice Hockey: Essays on Language, Identity and Writing Culture”. What is this book’s genre or category? paulo da costa – The book can be seen as a creative non-fiction collection of texts that stretches its traditional essay-like boundaries past the more journalistic or academic essay by its irreverence, humour and often its embrace of a poetic tone to deliver thought through the vein of beauty. I hope it will be seen as a garden of beautiful words with philosophical substance. A poet at heart can never abstain from wrapping his thoughts in beauty. An edible…